How does a senator become eligible to join ISG?
Any senator is eligible to join the ISG so long as he or she:
Is not part of a caucus composed of senators belonging to a recognized party as defined in Appendix I to the Rules of the Senate,
Does not act as a representative of the government,
Is not appointed as Speaker,
Ascribes to the Purpose and Vision of the ISG,
Has habitually demonstrated behavior that is consistent with the ISG’s Principles, and
Is in good standing with the Senate.
Membership Committee will review membership applications and come to a vote.
What is a facilitator/deputy facilitator?
The facilitator is responsible for the central coordination of ISG operations, including issues management for matters concerning ISG Business:
Oversight of the Secretariat
Interface with Senate officers and officials (the “usual channels”).
Preparation of discussion papers and briefing notes,
Information gathering and dissemination,
The Facilitator is supported by a Deputy Facilitator and a Coordinating Team. The Coordinating Team acts as a conduit for advice and information between the Facilitator and ISG senators.
What is the role of a Scroll Manager?
The Scroll Manager is responsible for coordinating information flow about Chamber operations, including:
Dissemination of written and verbal updates about Chamber operations during sittings.
Interface with the Chamber Operations and Procedure Office (COPO)
Dissemination of Scroll Updates
Participation in Scroll Meetings
What is the role of a Liaison?
The ISG Liaison Officer has four main legislative functions:
Coordinate the presence of the ISG in the House (with the administrative support of the Secretariat);
Survey the voting intentions of ISG members (with administrative support from the Secretariat);
Communicate with other groups in the Senate, including government officials;
Participate in strategic decision-making when the need arises in the House.