March 2016
Independent Non-partisan Senators Working Group is launched
June 8, 2016
Selection Committee presents its 4th Report, which assigns independent senators to committees although not in numbers that reflect the principle of proportionality
June 15, 2016
Senate adopts Selection Committee’s report assigning independent senators to committees
June 29, 2016
The Independent Senators Group (ISG) is formally announced
July to December 2016
Usual Channels open to accommodate independent senators:
July – December: ISG included as a member of the Advisory Working Group to review the (SARs)
September – December: ISG included as a non-voting member of the Subcommittee on Estimates
October – December: ISG included in Scroll Meetings (the daily Chamber planning meeting)
October 4, 2016
Modernization Committee recommends that procedural and administrative rules be changed to:
include ‘recognized parliamentary groups’ on a par with ‘recognized political parties’ and caucuses
explicitly recognize the proportionality principle
December 6, 2016
Senate authorizes Internal Economy (CIBA) to provide funding for ISG
December 7, 2016
Motion by Conservative Leader, seconded by all other Leaders and Facilitators, adopted:
Senate agrees that Independent senators should sit on committees in numbers reflecting the proportionality principle
ISG senators are added as fourth (albeit non-voting) members of steering committees
ISG gains authority to substitute ISG members on committees in the event of absences, etc.
December 14, 2016
Selection Committee presents its 5th Report, which explicitly recognizes the Independent Senators Group (ISG) as a formal entity
December 15, 2016
Senate adopts motion to assign committee seats proportionally to members of ISG
CIBA authorizes funding for personnel to support the ISG (the Secretariat)
February to June 2017
Usual channels further open to accommodate independent senators
Clerk of the Senate changes the designation on all formal documents from ‘non-affiliated’ to ‘Independent Senators Group’, thus recognizing the ISG as a formal entity
Weekly Leaders’ Meetings include the ISG Facilitator
ISG continues to participate in weekly Scroll Meetings
Speaker formally includes the ISG in his rotation for Question Period on a proportional basis
Provincial and federal government correspondence begins to include the ISG on courtesy distribution lists
PCO includes the ISG on its protocol list for state events such as awarding an honorary citizenship to Ms. Malala
May 9, 2017
Rules Committee adopts rule changes putting ‘recognized parliamentary groups’ on a par with ‘recognized political parties’
May 11, 2017
Senate adopts rule changes putting ‘recognized parliamentary groups’ on a par with ‘recognized political parties’.
June 1, 2017
Senate adopts a rule change explicitly reflecting the proportionality principle for Selection Committees
CIBA’s Subcommittee on Communications agrees to change a senator’s designation on all digital documents from ‘non-affiliated’ to ‘Independent Senators Group’, again recognizing the ISG as a formal entity. The change is implemented on June 2, 2017
June 2016 to May 2017
20% of government bills receiving Royal Assent have been amended by the Senate. In the previous 35 years, only 4.5% of government bills given Royal Assent were amended by the Senate.
June 21, 2017
Senate adopts rule changes putting recognized parliamentary groups’ on par with “recognized parties” in the definition of “caucus” for the purposes of the Senate Administrative