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Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia Welcomed into the Independent Senators Group (ISG)

Today, ISG Facilitator, Senator Yuen Pau Woo and ISG Deputy Facilitator, Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain announced that Dr. Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia of Twillingate (Newfoundland and Labrador) will join the Independent Senators Group. Appointed on June 1, 2018, Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia enters the Upper Chamber with a distinguished medical career and as a community leader.

In addition to his work as a family physician and Senior Medical Officer at the Notre Dame Bay Memorial Health Center, Senator Ravalia is an Associate Professor of Family Medicine at Memorial University and the Assistant Dean of the Rural Medical Education Network. Appointed to the Senate through Canada’s new merit based process, Senator Ravalia is a shining example of Canadian diversity, he is an immigrant from Zimbabwe, and has dedicated a large portion of his career to working with marginalized communities throughout Canada.

“Senator Mohamed-Iqbal Ravalia left Rhodesia to escape a society that defined him solely by his ethnicity to be in a country where he could experience democracy. He is now in the Upper House, where he has the opportunity to not only experience democracy, but also to contribute to its proper functioning,” said Senator Yuen Pau Woo, Facilitator of the ISG. “We welcome Senator Ravalia and are pleased with his decision to join the ISG. It is a privilege to watch our group grow and become even more reflective of the diverse perspectives of Canadians.”

Senator Kim Pate left, Senator Mohamed Iqbal Ravalia right

Photo: Senate of Canada

“Having given very careful thought to my future role in the Senate, I feel that the ISG is a natural fit for my fundamental values of non-partisanship, equity and advocacy,” said Senator Ravalia. “I hope to use my personal life experiences and the resolute spirit of a Newfoundlander and Labradorian to be true to the foundation of sober second thought.”

Speech by Senator Woo welcoming Senator Ravalia to Senate (4-6-2018):

Established in 2016, The Independent Senators Group (ISG) is committed to a non-partisan Senate and the modernization of the Upper House of Canada’s Parliament. With 44 members, the ISG is the largest parliamentary group in the Senate. Composed of independents not affiliated with any political caucus, ISG Senators work cooperatively but act independently.

The ISG’s Facilitator is Senator Yuen Pau Woo (BC) and the Deputy Facilitator is Raymonde Saint-Germain (QC), each elected by members on a two-year term (until 2019). ISG senators have been appointed over the years by five different Prime Ministers, with most of the current membership selected through The Independent Advisory Board for Senate appointments process. #ISGsenate @ISGsenate


For more information, please contact:

Aline Lafrenière

Director of Communications

Independent Senators Group (ISG) Secretariat


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