For immediate release

Senator Hassan Yussuff Joins Independent Senators Group
OTTAWA, October 8, 2021 – Senator Hassan Yussuff (ON) announced today that he will be joining the Independent Senators Group (ISG).
“I look forward to working collaboratively with members of the Independent Senators Group for the betterment of the Senate as an institution and our country. My priority is to build relationships to help the Senate play a positive role in overcoming the many challenges our nation faces.” -Senator Hassan Yussuff on joining the ISG.
“Senator Yussuff is an accomplished labour leader who has managed national workers’ rights organizations and has been actively involved in international labour organizations. He was the first person of colour to lead Canada’s union movement in his most recent role as the President of the Canadian Labour Congress. His many experiences and incomparable perspectives will add tremendous value to the work of the Independent Senators Group as well as the Senate.”
Senator Yussuff was nominated to the Senate on June 22, 2021, through the Independent Advisory Board for Senate Appointments. His addition to the Independent Senators Group brings the total membership to 44.
For more information, please contact:
Ro Izzetpanah
Senior Communications Coordinator
Independent Senators Group Secretariat