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Senator Nancy Karetak-Lindell Joins the Independent Senators Group

OTTAWA, March 25, 2025– Today, Nunavut Senator Nancy Karetak-Lindell announced that she is joining the Independent Senators Group (ISG). 


A strong advocate for Canada’s North, Senator Karetak-Lindell has dedicated her life to the people and culture of her region. She has worked tirelessly for years to raise awareness about its economic, environmental, and cultural issues. She defended her territory’s interests on Parliament Hill in Ottawa for a combined eleven years as the Member of Parliament representing the Eastern Arctic. During her time as an MP, she was named Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Natural Resources and sat as Vice-Chair and Chair of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development. In recognition of her significant contributions to her community and to Canada, Senator Karetak-Lindell received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in 2012 and was later designated a Member of the Order of Canada.


“I am pleased to join the ISG and feel this is the group that has the same philosophy as mine and one I can relate to in the work I am interested in. I look forward to working with everyone and learning from all the diverse perspectives and expertise. Being the only Senator for a given northern territory, you count on colleagues to support you in having your voice heard.” – Independent Senator Nancy Karetak-Lindell

“ISG members are delighted to welcome Senator Nancy Karetak-Lindell, who has always served the people of Nunavut with devotion, particularly in the areas of housing and education. As an 11-year member of the House of Commons, she has fiercely defended the economic interests and natural resources of Nunavut and of the Canadian Arctic. The people of Nunavut and the Inuit who make up the majority of the population will now be able to count on one of their own, and a resident of their territory, to represent them in the Upper House. A seasoned parliamentarian, she shares the values of integrity, freedom of conscience and collaboration that lie at the heart of ISG.” – Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain, ISG Facilitator

Senator Karetak-Lindell was nominated to the Senate on December 19, 2024. Her addition to the Independent Senators Group brings the total membership to 42. 




Dedicated to serving Canadians and democracy, the Independent Senators Group (ISG) provides informed and non-partisan sober second thought to legislation and contemporary issues our country is facing. Founded in 2016, the ISG has led the reform transition to a more independent and less partisan Senate, reflecting the needs and views of a diverse and modern Canada. 



For more information please contact:

Ro Izzetpanah

Senior Communications Specialist

Independent Senators Group



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