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Senators Dasko and Dalphond join the ISG

ISG Facilitator, Senator Yuen Pau Woo and Deputy Facilitator, Senator Raymonde Saint-Germain announced that two new senators joined the Independent Senators Group. Senator Donna Dasko (Ontario) and Senator Pierre Dalphond (Quebec), both appointed to the Upper Chamber on June 6th, add to the wide-ranging expertise of the Independent Senators Group. Senator Dalphond is one of Quebec’s most highly respected strategic legal minds. He is a senior counsel in the Litigation & Dispute Resolution Group, has served as a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada and worked in the Privy Council Office. Senator Dalphond is a certified arbitrator, an accredited mediator and a former senior judge of the Quebec Court of Appeal.

Senate Chamber

Senator Dasko is one of Canada's most esteemed public policy researchers. As Senior Vice-President of Environics Research Group Ltd, she has advised on some of Canada’s toughest public policy issues. She is currently a lecturer and senior fellow in the School of Public Policy & Governance at the University of Toronto. Dedicating her time to advocacy for gender equality, Senator Dasko co-founded and served as the National Chair of Equal Voice. She is no stranger to the Canadian Senate, where she helped launch the Campaign for an Equal Senate for Canada. “Senator Dalphond and Senator Dasko are joining the Senate at a time when our institution is trying to return to its original constitutional role, to serve as a chamber of sober second thought,” said Deputy-Facilitator Senator Saint-Germain. “We are eager to work with both, and delighted to see our group strengthened with the unique knowledge and expertise that they bring to the Independent Senators Group.” Speech by Senator Woo welcoming Senator Dasko to Senate (4-6-2018): (here) Speech by Senator Saint-Germain welcoming Senator Dalphond to Senate (4-6-2018): (here)

Established in 2016, The Independent Senators Group (ISG) is committed to a non-partisan Senate and the modernization of the Upper House of Canada’s Parliament. With 46 members, the ISG is the largest parliamentary group in the Senate. Composed of independents not affiliated with any political caucus, ISG Senators work cooperatively but act independently. The ISG’s Facilitator is Senator Yuen Pau Woo (BC) and the Deputy Facilitator is Raymonde Saint-Germain (QC), each elected by members on a two-year term (until 2019). ISG senators have been appointed over the years by five different Prime Ministers, with most of the current membership selected through The Independent Advisory Board for Senate appointments process.


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